I Live By The River
Friday, February 27, 2004
  Hi, I'm at college student at New York University and a pretty liberal Democrat, and needed somewhere to talk about politics, which most of my friends are uninterested in, I turned to the blogsphere. I've been wanting and meaning to begin writing for some time but have finally been spurred on by the new controversy over the Gay Marriage or "Hate Amendment" as many left wing bloggers are calling it.

Frankly, I am a strong backer of Gay Marriage, and thus greatly opposed to said amendment. In addition, I try to be a straight shooter and avoid hypocrisy whenever I can, on both sides of the aisle, so I was also equally disgusted when John Kerry's support for the Gay Marriage Amendment in his own state of Massachusetts. I strongly disagree with the typical democratic response against the amendment, but also against Gay Marraige, finding very little meaning or distinction in it, but I understand the political necessity in it in some instances (i.e. Southern and Midwestern representatives). However, as this issue moves I will hope to see more standing up to it like Mayor Gavin Newsome, and hopefully as people see that it is no threat to their way of existence, they will let up.

Anyway, I will try to update by talking about the news as I see and such; feel free to ask me any questions or debate with me, and I will attempt to answer in a respectful manner. Thanks. 

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Political Rantings and Analysis from the Left

02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004 /

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